Monday, January 31, 2011

Chocolate & Romance

It's almost here again--The Glendale Chocolate Affaire. It's a three day event filled with chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! Plus, 25 or so local romance authors (including me!) are all on hand to sign their books and meet with romance lovers.

I'll post back later with news on how it went!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ringing Out the New Year

Well, along with taking down all my Christmas decorations this past weekend, I also attended the final night of Glendale Glitters. It's a festival put on each holiday season in downtown Glendale with lights, hot air balloons, music, and tons of food vendors. :)

The final night to close out the event is called The After Glow Party, and it was a lot of fun. Good food, great music, and some beautiful lights.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let It Snow...

I've lived in Phoenix my whole life, and this past New Year's Eve was only the second time that I can recall it snowing. I have no real proof of this :) since it melted the instant it hit the ground, but it really was snow. Not rain or hail, but teeny, tiny snowflakes.

Other parts of Northern AZ get lots of snow, but not Phoenix. We've had a cold winter this year, but in a way, I'm enjoying it. I know the 100+ degree days will be here to stay and stay and stay in now time. How are you enjoying your winter weather?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ringing in the New Year Times Two!

A friend of mine gave birth to twins on December 31st! As far as they know, there are no twins on either side of the family, so it was quite a surprise when two babies showed up on the ultrasound.

But my friend and her two brand-new baby girls are all doing well, and I'm so excited for her!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year's!

Okay, okay, I'm late. But better late than never. Hope everyone had a great holiday... So, now it's on to the resolutions, right?

I don't always do resolutions, but I'm going with the usual "be more healthy" vow. I'm trying to cut back on the number of Dr. Peppers I drink during the day (I'm so addicted) and to add more fruits and vegetables.

So far, so good-LOL! How about you? Any resolutions for 2011?