Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good News!

A few months ago, I sold my first book on proposal. I turned it in in May, but I was a little worried since my editor hadn’t read the entire manuscript. What if she liked the beginning (the proposal she’d read), but not the rest? Well, fortunately, she likes it! I do need to revise the ending, but that’s okay.

Right now, the title is Her Fill-in Fiancé, and it has a release date of July 2011.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Random Thoughts & Pics from Orlando

Here are some photos from Orlando. I'll try captioning them, but I'm new at this, so I'm not sure what I'm going to get!

Here's a photo of my roomie, Cindy, me, and fellow RWA member, Michelle, at the Ritas!

Here's a picture I took of Cindy and me as Cindy was driving the race cars at Disney!

And here I am again on Disneyworld's Main Street. You'd never guess by the complete lack of clouds in the sky behind me, but a few hours later, we were rained out! :)

Back from DisneyWorld...

Well, I am officially back from the most wonderful place on earth! I had an amazing time at the conference. It's funny; I didn't go last year and didn't really feel like I'd missed it--until I was at Nationals this year! I've made a new commitment to try to go every year even though that means New York next year and another cross country trip.

But back to DisneyWorld... We went on all the major rides, but then thunder and lightning started shutting things down. My friend and I took shelter in a doorway which worked until it really started pouring. That's when we went looking for a place to eat--along with everyone else. Still, we found a spot pretty quickly, had a nice dinner, then headed back to the hotel for karaoke!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Going to Orlando

A week from today, I am going to Orlando--the city, not the actor, but I still couldn’t resist putting a picture of Orlando Bloom in this blog.

When I first planned this trip to the RWA Conference, I was very excited to be going to Nashville. I’m not a big country music fan, but I’ve never been to Tennessee or to many places in the south at all, so I thought it would be fun.

Well, a few months ago, due to the flooding in the area, the conference was moved to Florida. Now, I’ve never been to Florida, either, but it does make for a longer trip. Still, the hotel for the conference is right at DisneyWorld, and so I’ve adjusted my plans and will be spending my extra day seeing Mickey Mouse instead of Graceland. J

Has anyone here been to DisneyWorld? Or how about to the RWA conference? I’ve always had a great time in previous years, and after skipping last year, I am looking forward to this trip even with the destination change!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Help Out Our Furry Friends

The Animal Rescue site has a link where you can click to donate a bowl of food to a shelter pet. You don't need to sign up and it's free to give.

The site also has daily, heartwarming adoption stories and a store where you can buy items for animals or the people who love them. I've purchased some things for myself as well as gifts for friends.

So, if you have a chance, stop by, click on the link and help a shelter pet!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

When I first started on the road to publication, I had this grand idea of what I would do to celebrate when the call came. I was picturing dinner with all my friends at a fancy restaurant; maybe even renting a limo. As years (and years) went by, and I started to fear that day would never come, I figured if I ever sold, I'd probably mutter, "It's about time," and go on with my day.

Reality ended up somewhere in between. I DID celebrate, of course, but not in the all out way I originally pictured. My friends and I met for drinks and dinner, and one of my critique partners gave me a charm bracelet with two charms on it. A #1 to symbolize my first sale and a little envelope with a heart on it to represent my first contract. I liked the idea so much that I decided to add a charm to the bracelet for every book I sell.

In my first book, a musical carousel plays a part in the story. I had the perfect little charm in mind and no idea if such a thing existed until I went on line...and found exactly what I had imagined. (If I did this right, a picture of it should show in the little blog window.)

Now, every time I wear that bracelet, I think of my book, and this got me wondering about other ways to mark the milestones in life. We've talked recently about birthday traditions, but how have you celebrated other events in your lives? Promotions or anniversaries or achieving an important goal? For me, I combined two of my fav things--shopping and jewelry!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Furry Friends and Other Surprises

When I was thirty-five years old, I adopted a dog. Now, this might not sound that surprising except I had never had a dog before. Not as a child, not growing up. If my friends had dogs, I wasn't really that interested. So, the idea of bringing a dog into my neat, tidy, little home was a shock to me.

But I did my research, and I found my Shadow. She's a lab mix, and she loves other dogs. Sooo, a year later, I adopted Riley.

Now, I would love to tell you these are perfectly well-behaved dogs. But that would be a lie. If you look at his picture, you might notice that Riley is a hound mix. This means he is stubborn, loud and obnoxious. And while Shadow is super sweet, she also expects everyone to love her (and pet her) as much as I do! And if I don't keep up with the dusting and mopping and vacuuming, my once neat, tidy, little home starts to resemble a large kennel.

But I also wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

So, I was wondering, is there anything that YOU'VE done to upset your neat, tidy, little world?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Once More...with a British Accent

I recently discovered All She Wants for Christmas was released by Mills and Boon as a Special Moments this past December. (This is a copy of the cover.) It’s part of a 2-in-1 book along with Kathryn Shay’s Be My Babies.

I’m not sure which is harder for me to believe--that my book was being sold on a another continent or that I’m published alongside an author whose books I was reading as a struggling want-to-be-writer. All She Wants for Christmas was my first book; I checked Kathryn’s website. She has published thirty.

I am constantly amazed by my fellow authors, and in a few weeks, I will be in Orlando for the RITA awards. Have you read any of the nominees? Are you pulling for a particular author?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I DIY, Do You?

I’ve always been interested in how things work. I also have a frugal streak that prevents me from paying someone to do a job I think I should be able to figure out on my own.

In keeping with that thought process, I actually jumped my own battery and removed and replaced a dead car battery last year, saving myself $45-$50 for having a mechanic come out and do two minutes worth of work!

My latest project was to remove the HUGE wall mirror from my bathroom and tile the wall around two smaller mirrors. I have to admit, I’m really proud of the way it turned out. There were more than a few false starts, but I’m happy with it and glad I took a chance at trying my hand at something new.
So, has the DIY bug bitten you?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Time Blogger

Okay, so this is going to be boring, but it's sort of a test blog.

I've been blogging over on the eHarlequin site as part of the Special Edition Author's blog, but I thought I'd step outside and try some blogging on my own. So, here goes...