Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Going to Orlando

A week from today, I am going to Orlando--the city, not the actor, but I still couldn’t resist putting a picture of Orlando Bloom in this blog.

When I first planned this trip to the RWA Conference, I was very excited to be going to Nashville. I’m not a big country music fan, but I’ve never been to Tennessee or to many places in the south at all, so I thought it would be fun.

Well, a few months ago, due to the flooding in the area, the conference was moved to Florida. Now, I’ve never been to Florida, either, but it does make for a longer trip. Still, the hotel for the conference is right at DisneyWorld, and so I’ve adjusted my plans and will be spending my extra day seeing Mickey Mouse instead of Graceland. J

Has anyone here been to DisneyWorld? Or how about to the RWA conference? I’ve always had a great time in previous years, and after skipping last year, I am looking forward to this trip even with the destination change!


  1. Disney World - YES! Every time I go, I want to stay there forever. Not Orlando, but IN Disney World. Maybe in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. (tee-hee)

    RWA - Nearly! I got a wild hair and crunched all the numbers a few weeks ago, but oy! Too much planning for not enough time so I opted to go next year and hope to find a roommate with plenty of time to spare.

    Keep me posted on how it is! As a non-pubbed author I didn't know what to expect (or even if it was a good place for me to go) but I wish nearly everyday I just would have whipped out the ole Visa card and gone anyway.

    HAVE FUN!!! :-)

  2. Jessica--

    Before I was published, I always went to the local RWA conferences which were less expensive and had no travel time/expense. Then about seven years ago, I decided to start going to Nationals.

    This was before I was published, and while it can be overwhelming, the conferences are a blast and you can learn so much at the different workshops, that I think it's worth it if you can swing the $$!! :)
